Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Waiting for IUI!!!

Gonal-f every day still - 112.5. The ultrasound yesterday showed NICE follicle, but estrogen is not quite high enough so will go in for another ultrasound on Friday.

OK - so am I ready? Let's see:
HCG trigger shot - check
Swimmers - check
A billion or so sticks to pee on - check

Yup. All is in order.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Gonal-F stim

So this cycle we are going to stim with Gonal-F. I started off yesterday (cd3) with 112.5 units of Gonal-F, injected subcutaneously (Fortunately it is not hard for me to find the fat part of my tummy....) I didn't feel a thing! I think it is going to be ok.

ON the downside, my reimbursement for the medical expenses was NOT deposited yesterday like it was supposed to be, o I have to wait until Monday to have the sperm shipped and order the HCG. Why is it such a money game? *sigh*

I hope this month is my month...